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In this article I examine the lack of self‐care regimes for women working in the non‐profit/non‐governmental sector. While I draw on ethnographic research conducted in the Malaysian context of women's organizations, the issue of self‐care for activists and feminist activists is a global one that crosses borders and boundaries. I explore the gendered nature of care and care professions to demonstrate how women are predominantly affected in these working environments. To date, there has been little scholarship on self‐care and care in non‐profit/non‐governmental working environments. Using interviews with women working in the sector, I argue that women's emotional, mental and physical health comes at a cost in these hectic workplaces. This article contributes to the literature on gender, work and care in women's organizations by taking seriously women's concerns working in these spaces, where they experience self‐neglect and institutional barriers in care regimes.  相似文献   
This paper explores the growth of the academic study of nonprofit management and organizations in China by examining theses and dissertations written in China between 2000 and 2018. Using a keyword search, we collect and review 5,346 abstracts available in the China National Knowledge Infrastructure Thesis and Dissertation database. The number of these theses and dissertations accelerated between 2000 and 2015 and slowed thereafter. Most theses and dissertations focus on the external context of nonprofit organizations (78%) and fewer on nonprofit management per se (22%). Thematic analysis reveals several broad subjects of study including organizational development, the character of the external environment and internal operations, financial and other resource support, and organizational performance. Trends across the 19‐year study period relating to national regions of origin, discipline, and theme are also explored. The development of nonprofit studies in China in some ways resembles the growth of this field in the United States and other western countries in past decades, but with distinct Chinese historical, sociocultural, and geographical characteristics.  相似文献   

All non–governmental organizations (NGOs) rely on funding to support their work. But how does the source of funding shape the types of advocacy groups engage in? Using novel panel data collected by the Environmental Funders Network, this research examines how funding from government, foundations, business, and members shape the advocacy work of environmental NGOs (ENGOs) in the UK. Past research suggests that elite funding sources channel groups into institutional advocacy, such as lobbying or litigation, and away from public advocacy, such as protesting. This paper confirms previous research while also showing that all types of funding channel group actions. Foundation and business funding is associated with more institutional advocacy, government funding is associated with non–political advocacy such as species conservation, and member funding is associated with public advocacy. By comparing across funding types, this study demonstrates the ways in which groups are both helped and hindered by funding from different sources.  相似文献   
作为执政党的中国共产党必须在宪法和法律的范围内活动,是我国政治体制改革中的重要问题。正确认识和把握中国共产党执政地位同宪法和法律权威的关系,是党在宪法和法律的范围内活动的前提条件。中国共产党确保国家机关、民主党派、人民团体、企业事业单位等依法独立行使职权和管理内部事务,是党在宪法和法律的范围内活动的核心问题。中国共产党以党章为基础,坚持“党要管党”和“从严治党”,是党在宪法和法律的范围内活动的内在要求。  相似文献   
医疗服务公平和人民的健康是各国卫生系统向其国家居民提供医疗服务所应实现的两个重要目标。但以英美日为例的发达国家根据世界卫生统计年鉴中的医疗服务公平性排名确有明显差距,因此,高收入和高政府医疗卫生支出与医疗卫生服务公平和健康公平性并没有必然关系。本文通过比较分析美日英国的政府间医疗卫生支出责任划分的结构发现高政府医疗卫生支出比例是提高医疗服务筹资公平性的前提,中央承担社会医疗保险责任是实现医疗服务筹资公平性的保证,政府特别是中央政府出资的长期护理有助于提高国民健康水平,地方政府的参与更有助于提高一国医疗系统机构数量特别是医院的数量。  相似文献   
Axford N. Children and global social policy: exploring the impact of international governmental organisations International governmental organisations (IGOs) seek to influence child welfare policy and practice in individual sovereign states. But do they succeed and, if so, in what way? This article outlines the nature of selected IGOs' work, explores the nature of their impact and seeks to explain the pattern that emerges. It also notes areas for further research.  相似文献   
政府绩效就是为了实现预期的目标,政府制定和执行公共政策,履行职责的过程和结果。政府绩效评估既要针对政府行为过程是否合法、符合程序,又要针对行为结果是否经济、有效。由于目前我国"政治上位的政治行政一体化"体制对绩效评估的制约和排斥,绩效评估没有成为有效的约束、激励政府行为的机制。本文从政策学角度,结合具体案例,分析了当前地方政府绩效评估的主要特征和问题,并提出从体制上和制度上推进政府绩效评估。  相似文献   
提供公共服务是政府的主要任务。供应与生产的区分,说明政府不可能也没必要包揽所有的公共服务。北欧各国按照事权财权匹配和公共服务效率原则,通过建立和完善府际责任分担、公共财政保障、公私伙伴合作、公众参与提供、服务质量监督等机制,从而有效地满足了公共服务需求。他们的成功实践启示我们:公共服务制度的建立和完善,必须合理划分各级政府公共服务责任,建立以公共服务为导向的公共财政支出体系,充分发挥社会和民间力量在提供公共服务方面的作用。  相似文献   
随着农村社会的变迁和现代国家的建构,中国基层治理模式将由上下隔离的板块式治理向上下衔接的网格化治理转变。网格化治理除了需要从国家行政权力的角度打通政府管理与群众自治联结的途径以外,还必须从政治的层面打通政府管理与群众自治联结的渠道。通过强化基层人大代表的功能,来保障不断下沉的基层行政权力的合法性,这种做法更符合法意和民意;同时还保证了基层群众的自治性,从而使村庄的自治权力从悬空状态落到实处。通过人大代表功能的发挥使村民制度化地参与到基层政府管理当中,从而建立有效的政府管理与群众自治的衔接机制。  相似文献   
公共危机治理中政府公信力的缺失与重塑   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
政府公信力在公共危机治理中具有不可忽视的价值和意义:有利于保持社会稳定;有利于维护和改善政府形象;有利于民众认同政府的危机治理政策;有利于民众参与危机治理。公共危机治理中政府公信力缺失的原因是危机意识淡薄;危机处理方式失当;危机处理机构不健全;漠视民众的生命安全。在公共危机治理中重塑政府公信力应从建立健全危机预警机制、积极开展危机公关、完善行政问责制、构建政府与媒体间的良性互动关系等方面入手。  相似文献   
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